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更新时间:2025-03-10 11:58:08
  • 双语例句

1. Results: kechuandan was more effective than chuanshu-pill in the treatment of patient with cold asthma.


2. A policeman white blood cell, with the help of a cold pill, must stop a deadly virus from destroying the human they live in, Frank.

3. This type is mainly because of inherent weaknesses, Shenqi deficiency, the uterus Deficiency-Cold Zheng Zuo Tong, the genitourinary system that is innate or the uterus is relatively weak, Chinese medicine will be open to Yanggan Zishen prescription, such as the pill Bawei Huang Wen-by.

4. I started out taking one pill twice per day when my father caught a bad cold. A few days later as his cold got worse, I started to get a dry stuffy nose, and I ramped up my dose of andrographis to 3 and 4 pills twice daily, and it seems to have eliminated the symptoms and prevented the cold from progressing further.

5. They say that love is as sweet as honey, as bitter as pill, as hot as fire and cold as ice......

6. I suggest eating Wangshi Baochi Pill, it can cure a cold.

7. As the result, the main indications of Wumei Pill contained diarrhea, dysentery, ascariasis mainly caused by parasite, deficient cold or cold-heat complicated syndrome in ancient.

8. Bad guys like Nick are taken down by the title stars: Osmosis " Ozzy " Jones, a street-smart white blood cell, and Drix, an uptight but intelligent cold pill with a chest full of medicine.

9. Objective: to observe the effect of extract liquid of cold wheezing Pill on experimental asthma in guinea pigs.

10. Adults typically have cold symptoms for12 days a year; a daily pill could cut that to11 days.

11. Results: ① Migao Xinle dropping pill decreased the level of blood plasm ET of he rat model of myocardial ischemia of stagnation of yin-cold;

12. Objective: To study the therapeutic effect of Migao Xinle dropping pill for the rat of myocardial ischemia of stagnation of yin-cold.

13. You can put the pill in the little cold water and give him to drink.

14. Aim To research the clinical efficacy of Fengtongning Pill FTN on treatment of Bi syndrome induced by wind, cold and dampness.

15. cold pill

15. 'wumei pill'concoction is effective in intermingled heat and cold type of insomnia. It can lengthen sleep time and improve sleep quality. 3.

16. cold pill的反义词

16. The Observation on the Treatment of Pill to Chronic Diarrhea Hased on 324 Examples in High and Cold Area

17. Bad guys like Nick are taken down by the title stars: Osmosis " Ozzy " Jones, a street-smart white blood cell, and Drix, an uptight but intelligent cold pill with a chest full of medicine.

Indian tea scientists have produced a tea-flavored pill that can be chewed or quickly dissolved in hot or cold water.(印度的茶叶科学家已经制造出了一种茶叶味道的丸子,可以嚼服,同时又能迅速在热水或冷水中溶解。)
The therapeutic action of cold prescriptionDahuang Huanglian Xiexin Decoction on heat model is superior to heat prescription Lizhong Pill.(且寒性方剂大黄黄连泻心汤对于热模型的治疗作用明显优于热性方剂理中丸;)
Objective: To observe the effect of extract liquid of cold wheezing pill on experimental asthma in guinea pigs.(目的:观察冷哮丸提取液对豚鼠实验性哮喘的作用。)
When Chan-Er reached the moon, she found a tree under which there was a friendly hare. Because the air on the moon is cold, she began coughing and the Immortality Pill came out of her throat.(当嫦娥到了月亮上面后,她发现了一棵树下有一个友好的玉兔,因为月亮上面很冷,她开始咳嗽,长寿药跳出了她的喉咙。)
Aim to research the clinical efficacy of Fengtongning Pill FTN on treatment of Bi syndrome induced by wind, cold and dampness.(目的观察风湿痛消丸治疗风寒湿痹病的临床疗效。)
You can put the pill in the little cold water and give him to drink.(您可以把糖丸化在少量凉白开水中让他喝下去。)
Objective: To study the therapeutic effect of Migao Xinle dropping pill for the rat of myocardial ischemia of stagnation of yin-cold.(目的:探讨米槁心乐滴丸对阴寒凝滞证心肌缺血大鼠的保护机制。)
Love is as sweet as honey, as bitter as pill, as hot as fire and cold as ice…(爱情甜的像蜜,苦的像艾,热的像火,冷的像冰…)
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